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디아블로3 전용 어플리케이션이 나왔네요.

외계인 마틴 2011. 10. 5. 02:44

디아블로3의 북미 팬사이트 Diablo3 Armory에서  iOS용 디아블로3 직업 스킬 계산기 어플리케이션을 개발해 무료로 공개했습니다. 현재 아이튠즈를 통해 무료로 다운받을 수 있습니다.

이 어플은 스킬, 룬의 효과 계산뿐만 아니라 팬사이트의 뉴스와 게임 정보, 클래스와 스킬 등도 볼 수 있고. 계산 결과를 저장하여 나중에 로드하거나 인쇄도 가능하다고 합니다. 현재는 아이폰 버젼만 제작해 공개했지만 곧 안드로이드용 어플도 개발할 예정이라니 기대가 됩니다.

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DiabloFans now has an unofficial iPhone App, Diablo III Armory. It's not exactly made solely by us DiabloFans (but it is made by a good friend of ours), and it's pulling our news stream, so you can get DiabloFans news from just about anywhere now! In addition to our news feed, the App offers the following:

  • News feed from diablofans.com
  • Game information page (FAQ)
  • Classes page to showcase each class and their skills.
  • A skill calculator built completely for the iPhone platform.
  • Easy swiping while viewing skills to see rune effects.
  • Calculator can save/name builds, load them later, and even print out a Bnet URL of your build (in case you want to share it).
  • And more to come, ;).
The app is completely free as well, so go download it and enjoy Sanctuary from anywhere on Earth! Those of you with Android devices (I only have an Android :() will have to wait for an app. Whether or not we develop an Android app as well is solely based on the success of the iPhone app. For more screenshots of the app, you can check the temporary support site, or watch the video below.

그런데 블리자드에서 만든 게임의 출시일은 알 수가 없습니다. 대부분의 게임이 항상 "곧 출시된다"라 하면서도 짧게는 몇달, 길게는 몇년이나 출시를 연기하곤 했습니다. 디아블로2도 그랬고, 디아블로3도 예외가 아니었습니다. 북미에서 한창 베타 테스트가 진행되고 있고, 올해 안에 출시된다는 발표도 있었지만.... 결국, 내년으로 연기되었습니다. 

마크 모하임(Mike Morhaime)의 말입니다.

We commonly use the term “soon” when referring to Blizzard releases, because we know that no matter how hard we’re working to reach a target, we’re not going to compromise and launch a game before it’s ready. For Diablo III, we were aiming to launch by the end of 2011. As we’re announcing globally today, our new target for the game is early 2012.

While this news might not be a complete surprise, I know that many of you were hopeful that Diablo III would ship this year. We were too. However, this week we pulled together people from all of the teams involved with the game to decide whether we felt it would be ready before the end of December, and we grudgingly came to the conclusion that it would not. Ultimately, we feel that to deliver an awesome Diablo sequel that lives up to our expectations and yours as well, we should take a little more time and add further polish to a few different elements of the game.

The upside of today’s announcement is that we will be running the beta test longer than we initially planned, which will allow us to invite more of you who have opted in.

For those taking on the Diableard challenge, we salute you -- and now fear for your well-being and personal hygiene. We hereby issue an official reprieve to all Diableard participants, including Blizzard employees, if you want to trim or otherwise manage the lower half of your face. We’d still love to see your beardly achievements, and we look forward to seeing more of your efforts as we move into 2012, but not to the detriment of your workplaces and significant others.

Thank you everyone for your support and anticipation for Diablo III. We’re still moving ahead at full pace, and we’ll be keeping you fully informed of any news and developments here at Diablo3.com, including the specific release date when the time comes, so stay tuned.

도대체 얼마나 완벽을 기하기에 이렇게 애간장을 태우는 건지... 블리자드...두고 봐야겠습니다. 
아무튼 북미 팬사이트 유저가 이같은 디아블리3 어플리케이션을 자체 개발할 정도로 여러 나라에서 디아블로3에 대한 기대감은 고조되고 있습니다. 저 역시도 3년 전에 디아블로3를 기다리며라는 포스트를 썼을 정도로  두근거리는 마음으로 출시를 기다리고 있습니다.

그리고 지금 한창 디아블로3의 아이템 현금 거래 경매 시스템이 우리나라 국정감사에서 논란이 되고 있습니다만.. 어차피 공개적으로는 부정하고 있으나 2010년까지 국내 아이템 현금 거래 시장은 약 1조 2566억 규모에 이르고 있습니다. 차라리 디아블로3를 계기로 아이템 거래를 정당한 '시장'으로 활성화하는 방안도 모색해 볼만 합니다.

어쨌든 이렇게 출시전부터 시끌벅적한 디아블로3...
과연 어떨지...?